Does that belief serve you?
I recently heard this question and thought wow, what a great question.

How often do hundreds of unquestioned beliefs limit our actions?
And most of the time, we are entirely unaware of them.

For Example:

My wife and I cleared the grass growing up through our tree’s plant bed this weekend.

For two-plus years I resigned myself to the idea that It is what it is, and sometimes I would use the weedwhacker to cut the grass and plant, but both would come back. I even hired someone to remove the grass.

Then my wife talked about removing the plant/vine around the tree, and I decided to find a way to get the grass out.

I did two things. First, I cut out a space between the grass and plant, and second, instead of using the weedwhacker, I got in the bed and started removing the grass by hand from the root. Below is a picture after we worked on it. I still have some grass to get out, but it is a significant improvement from what it was before.

overcoming self-limiting beliefs
Overcoming Self-Limiting Beliefs

Interestingly, I knew what action to take, but I wasn’t confident in taking it until I decided. Before this, I would feel upset, resigned, and even helpless. These feelings lead to quick fixes, and the problem always comes back.

Once I experienced a greater emotion about the grass in the bed, the action became easy. We act in a manner consistent with what we believe.

Once I changed my belief that I would have a bed without grass popping up, I took different actions. First, I got in by hand and started pulling it out by the root. On a side note, there is something therapeutic about working outside.

So look around your life and see what you want and what self-limiting belief prevents you from taking action/ new action.
And ask yourself,
Does that belief serve me?

If you want to learn more about how emotions, energy, and action go together. Check out this video.

P.S If you are in sales. Here is a confidence boost for you.