We may not see or feel the immediate impact when we don’t honor our word. But it’s there.


For example, you tell yourself.
I want to start exercising more. Yeah, I need to exercise.  
I will get up early and walk before I go to work.


And maybe you tell your spouse.
Honey, tomorrow I’m going for a walk in the morning. 
And you are excited about this new possibility. 
Tomorrow comes, and what happens? You hit the snooze button, and you talk yourself out of it.


You break a promise to yourself.


You may think, it’s no big deal or so what.
But the next time you attempt it again, this time, you hear SLT or Self-Limiting Talk.
You can’t do that; why bother? You already tried and failed. You’ll be too tired and end up hitting the snooze button.
And the future of excitement is now one of dread and unease because you don’t know if you will fulfill it.  


Every time we break a promise to ourselves, our self-confidence diminishes. And over time, our word carries little impact. We become hesitant to try new things or attempt goals because we doubt we will take action. This is because we haven’t learned the value of honoring our word.


Influential people are those that can speak things into existence.
Start to honor your word and notice what happens.


by Keynote Speaker and Author, Eric Papp